Monday, August 2, 2010

5 Ways to get the most out of each day

Many of my clients have challenges around time, so thought I'd include a couple of effective strategies. I also highly recommend we all read "The 4-hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss if you've not previously read it!
  1. Schedule an appointment with yourself. Actually schedule these in your diary and give yourself uninterrupted blocks of time - 30 to 60 minutes during the day. Then close the door, turn off the phone and concentrate on eating those frogs! *
  2. Figure out when you are at your most effective and tackle your most important work then.
  3. Avoid impromptu meetings (have your staff monitor your calls and visitors).
  4. Schedule your telephone calls and let the message system pick up others
  5. Schedule time to meet your staff, colleagues and co-workers, preferably early in the week so everyone knows priorities and resources required. Remember to delegate!

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