Reflecting across 40 years he has come up with five secrets."
No. 1: Enjoy What You Are Doing.
For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something that's going to make a real difference to other people's lives.
No. 2: Create Something That Stands Out.
You've got to do something radically different to make a mark today.
No. 3: Create Something That Everybody Who Works for You is Really Proud of.
Businesses generally consist of a group of people, and they are your biggest assets.
No. 4: Be a Good Leader.
As a leader you have to be a really good listener. As a leader you've also got to be extremely good at praising people. People flourish if they're praised.
No. 5: Be Visible.
A good leader does not get stuck behind a desk. I always have a notebook in my back pocket to jot down questions, concerns or good ideas. When you're building a business from scratch, the key word for many years is ''Survival." Literally, your full concentration has to be on surviving. If you don't survive, just remember that most businesses fail and the best lessons are usually from failure. You must not get to dispirited. Just get back up and try again.
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