Thursday, June 21, 2012

What do the Hurricanes & Business/Personal Planning Have in Common You Ask?

Nothing much until you realise the personal development coach of the Hurricanes - Steve Symonds, was the guest speaker at my 90 Day Planning day workshop last Wednesday. What a fantastic workshop & some awesome learnings...

Rugby & business is all about the relationships you build & the dreams that you set yourself. Having a plan, stick-a-ability, a buddy, coach, mentor- someone to hold you accountable & help keep you focused & on the straight & narrow, to help you achieve your goals, is important at all stages in your life. It's no different for a business.

We continue to have a brilliant line-up guests along to these 4.5 hour events so diarise 12 September and 5 December today allowing for an 8.30am registration and 1pm finish (followed by lunch)

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