Knowing where and how to obtain information or knowledge is one thing but organising it into a practical plan of action is quite another thing.
According to one theory, there are 2 different kinds of knowledge:
- Profound Knowledge - Once we understand it and apply it to our lives profound knowledge can have a significant effect on the way we think and the way we behave.
- Academic Knowledge - Gives wisdom rather then cleverness. If you become wise it is not difficult to become clever as well. owever if you start out being clever, you may have little chance of ever becoming wise because you can so easily get caught in the intelligence trap
What is really important however is that we acquire wisdom. The human brain's storage capacity is estimated at 10 Million units of information compared with the four million units of an advanced computer.
It is a pity that so many people are unaware of their brainpower capacity and so they limit their awareness to their knowledge acquired at school. It is not natural for the brain to decline as you age; and decline takes place because people are programmed to do so as they grow older!
"Power is not money in the hand of a few but information in the hands of many" - Selina Paulo,
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