I loved the energy and enthusiasm of the students I presented to at the Arnhem Business School last Friday and I don’t think it was just because of the NZ chocolate I threw into the audience (that reminds me … I must learn to throw properly or practice more as I had some near misses and Terry tells me I throw like a girl!!! whatever that means)
Many of the students are in their 3rd or 4th year of their studies in International Business or Marketing (with perspectives in Finance, Marketing or HR) and are actively looking for placements around the world to complete their studies or to fulfill the international component of their studies.
If you have a piece of research or a project that you’ve been putting off, these students could provide you with the ideal opportunity to make these happen. They’re smart and technologically savvy while also being able to work independently with minimal supervision – just ask me, I’ve had 8 of them over the last few years, and the caliber of the work has been outstanding!
The 7 tips I shared with the students, to further ensure their success, were:
1) attitude – choosing a can-do, positive frame of mind, which creates energy and opportunities;
2) being disciplined and focused;
3) being passionate about what you do;
4) playing Above the Line and being aware when you’re Below the Line;
5) being confident and doing all that you can to build on this if you’re not;
6) setting goals and writing these down (+ reviewing them on a regular basis); and
7) steeping outside your familiarity-zone or comfort-zone and trying things that provide you with stretch.
Isn’t it interesting that these same tips are those I often share with my coaching clients to ensure their further success in life and business!
Which one of these do you need to pick to work on over the next 2-3 weeks?
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