A couple of interesting things ...
1) I've learned that The Department of Labour has launched a new web resource called Infozone: Business Essentials, which is aimed at giving straight forward info to employers and self-employed contractors on employment issues and health and safety aspects of running a business. It's great to see things coming together in one place to make it easier to source information. I've included the link above. In addition ...
2) I came across my notes from our last Quarterly Planning Day in September. David Irving the current CEO from Life Flight Trust was our guest speaker. Ex CEO of Synergy (now rebranded Fronde), David shared some tips that had held him in good stead over the years. I thought they made a lot of sense ...
a) always get an overdraft before you need it: banks are great lending umbrella's in the summer then asking for them back in the winter;
b) When tackling issues, create a culture of open communication culture but ensure i) you don't shoot the messenger and ii) you resolve issues without emotion.
c) Sort out problems early without apportioning blame & in the event you have no option, make sure you do this well after the event;
d) remember you're not perfect. You may in fact be part of the problem, so you need to accept that you may need to change too!
On the matter of people, David shared that it's essential to find good people and treat them well. Remove obstacles where possible so they can do their jobs and do them well.
All good common sense.
Go well and talk to you soon ...
To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick
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