To effectively use customer testimonials, you must be able to turn to the right one without delay, because in most cases you will use only one or two in any presentation. Sometimes they can be used to get in to see the prospect. As a general rule they are used in the conviction step or to answer an objection.
Example: The prospect might say to you, “I’m really concerned about service.”
Your response is, “Mr. Prospect, I can appreciate your concern. Jones Johns at XYZ Company initially felt the same way, but after he had a service need here is what he said.” (Now you show him the letter that answers the question or objection.)
After he has read it, you continue with your presentation.
Professional speakers often use testimonials as their number-one referral source and tool. Find out how you can be using yours more effectively. Either to get in to see the prospect, to overcome objections or answer questions, or as credibility. Most people should use them far more often than they do now!
Source: Zig Ziglars’s Secrets of Closing the Sale
To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick
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