His chapter "You've been selling since you were a kid!" is an absolutely awesome read.
It's all about persistence and acknowledging how many no's you're willing to take before you give up on the sale. Chances are it's not many!
Think back to when you were 7 years old,with your mum at the supermarket. Your question... "Mum, can I have this candy bar?" & mum says, "I said NO!"
Not one to give up, you say: "Aw, come on, PLEASE!"
According to Jeffrey she thunders NO & you immediately try to find out what the objection is. "Why can't I have a candy bar, mum?"
"Because it'll spoil your dinner," she responds, true to form. Can you remember saying something along the lines of "No it won't, mum. I promise to eat it after dinner?" I can!
And especially that long bleat of "PLEASE!"
You of course get the lollies, just as I did! The point that Gitomer makes though, is that when we were 7, we were willing to risk public embarassment, corporal punishment, and verbal abuse to make the sale.
In his words... "Somewhere between diapers and getting your business card printed, you forgot how tenacious you need to be to make that sale."
I for one, will be sitting back & reminiscing just a little, & then taking some action! Let me know how you get on & talk to you soon!
To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick
1 comment:
"Our Inner Self (child) will give us the power of persistence if we will only let go".....my new book
The Wizard of IS
Gitomer understands the effectiveness of inner perseverance in making the sale.
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