I’ve two great friends setting up in business at present. One’s a home-stay, the other a beauty salon. Both are doing refits with the idea of opening 1 April …
All very exciting stuff & I’d love your opinions & tips:
Given your own experiences, what needs to be their highest priority NOW and once they do open their doors to the paying public?
In addition, I’ve two clients Bill & Ben – and no, they’re not the flower-pot men!
They’re having troubles with their staff not being as productive as they could be. They’re in a packaging environment & feel their staff are slacking off while they’re outing & abouting, growing the business & talking to customers.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments …
and I’ll share MY recommendations too.
Talk to you soon ...
To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick