Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Get your name out there.

Use the vehicle your new customers are driving to deliver them to you.

Use an online presence powerfully today.

Steve and Gaylene will show you:
How you can build your client database using social media
How you can generate sales by going online
How to test and measure the results
How to share your stories, products & services with over 160 million new clients
How to access this knowledge and market opportunity ahead of your competitors.

Only $39.95

When 29 July 8.30-10.30am
Where Level 3
Crombie Lockwood Building
15-21 Dixon St
Email GayleneHughes@actioncoach.com for a registration form and to book.

To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick


I am taking a stand for Business Owners, with a kick butt offer for a 45 minute free Marketing Makeover session guaranteed to generate some great ideas and strategies!

At the end of this you’ll walk away with:

-A renewed sense of vision, purpose and clarity

-Identification of some of the hidden challenges in your business

-An easy 3 step Action Plan

-A sense of energy and motivation to take your business to the next level

I only have 3 spaces in early August so please respond now while it’s fresh in your mind!

NB: The first 6 people to respond will receive a free copy of “CASH, CUSTOMERS, and ADS THAT SELL” (Valued at $39.95)

Email me at gaylenehughes@actioncoach.com to register

To succeed... You have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality - Anita Roddick